Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18 - Samuel Smith's The Famous Taddy Porter

Why we picked it:  I've heard that everything from Samuel Smith's is excellent.  Thought we would try a couple.

About Samuel Smith's The Famous Taddy Porter:  Brewed with well water (the original well at the Old Brewery, sunk in 1758, is still in use, with the hard well water being drawn from 85 feet underground), malted barley, roasted malt, yeast and hops. Fermented in ‘stone Yorkshire squares’.  Best served at about 55°F (13°C).  Registered with The Vegan Society; suitable for vegans and vegetarians.

Beer Advocate Score93 and 100

Ingredients: Water, malted barley, yeast, hops, roasted malt, cane sugar.
ABV: 5.0%

Case Cost$60 ($11 a four pack)



  1. I've been drinking this one for years so I may be a little biased. I view Taddy Porter as the basis to which I compare all other porters. It's really solid, flavorful and consistently enjoyable.

  2. This is my first Taddy and it might the best porter I have ever had. Another please.

  3. Good porter. Wish I knew about this when I went to England. I would definitely order a Taddy bit more if its an option.

  4. This is a very solid porter. I'll have to remember if I ever get to England. I'm biased though. Every porter I have I compare to the Gonzo which is my favorite porter in the world. Taddy is not quite Gonzo level for me. But still good

  5. Great porter, I'm really looking forward to the oatmeal stout. I just wish the ABV was higher to make me forget about the 3 hour wait I just sat in for my kids to see Santa.

  6. Porter? But I barely knew her....?

    Don't normally drink a lot of porters but will have to start trying more of them. Maybe have just had bad luck at some local breweries. Really liked this one.

  7. As with others... porters are usually a rare order for me, but I wouldn't think twice about ordering this one. Roasty, sugar pecans with hints of coffee. Best porter I've ever poured into a glass.

  8. Another good beer, had a good head as I was pouring it into the glass. First sip... I got a coffee taste. I thought it would be heavier than it was and slightly carbonated. I liked it and lucky me... the wife fell asleep and I get to finish hers. B

  9. I definitely get the "dry tangy character", but I don't know if I'd call it "intense". That's very interesting and something that could grow on me. This is excellent and it's pretty cool to have an authentic Porter. If I had another, I'd happily crack it open. Not having another on hand, I've followed it up with my favorite American Porter - Deschutes Black Butte. That's creamy Porter perfection right there.

    P.S. What's up with this?: "Registered with The Vegan Society; suitable for vegans and vegetarians."

    P.S.S. I stopped by the local beer store tonight to try and locate a sixer of Flying Dog's Naughty and came away with only a single of it - the last one in the store.

  10. Pretty descent. I've had better porters with more bold flavors. This was smooth but not leaving me with much flavors. Eh

  11. Pretty descent. I've had better porters with more bold flavors. This was smooth but not leaving me with much flavors. Eh

  12. Not a huge fan of porters, but this definitely one of the better ones. I agree with others that it's not "intense," but still very good. Really just about right. 3.25/5

  13. Been over a decade since I have had a Sam Smith. Such a solid and classic porter, it makes me wonder why I spend so much time searching through all the new and funky porters out there. I know wouldn't be much of an adventure if I just drank the same porter all the time. In fact drinking a ton of mediocre examples of the style makes me appreciate this classic and outstanding beverage even more.

    I need to buy more Sam smith...its funny tho I see the four pack and always find myself thinking that 6 would be better and make the other choice. Here is to embracing the 4!


  15. Roasty malts, slightly sweet-metallic tang. Super smooth and dry on the finish. Light enough to be relaxing, heavy enough to be comforting.

    Told you! Everything from Samuel Smith's is excellent!

  16. Despite my lifelong obsession with Guinness, I have tended to avoid porters and stouts until one wondrous day last November when I had a Bell's Porter at the perfect time and last winter became the winter of porters. As with the pursuit of any beer by type, sometimes that goes well and sometimes it goes horribly wrong. Never tried the Samuel Smith's before but this is truly amazing. So tasty and smooth. Possibly the best porter I have ever had. Will definitely be seeking this out if the temperature ever drops below 60 degrees.

  17. I took one long extended sip for about 3 mins, coming up for air occasionally and it was gone. A! Nuff said.

  18. Disclaimer: not a big fan of stout or porter

    This was decent. Not very flavorful but smooth with very little crappy aftertaste. So it was decent. Looking for more flavor

  19. I was really looking forward to this one...but I must admit I am disappointed. It was weak, thin and simply did not deliver. On to the next...

  20. Very nice...never had this before, but had high expectations because it was Sam Smith. It did not disappoint. I'm not a porter person, but would drink this any day. Grade 9 of 10, A

  21. I have to say this one I think I like the most. Like Phil said you can definitely taste the coffee

  22. I think this is the first Porter that I have had in a long time, I will have to start drinking more of them. Damn good!

  23. fine fine porter. There's a reason Sam Smith sells their stuff by the 4 pack instead of your standard 6.
