Friday, December 19, 2014

December 19 - Troegs Mad Elf

Why we picked itThe Mad Elf has become a staple in our annual 24 DoB.  Watch out for that 11% ABV!  That's why this is a Friday beer.

About Troegs' Mad ElfThe Mad Elf is a cheerful creation to warm your heart and enlighten your tongue. The combination of cherries, honey, and chocolate malts delivers gentle fruits and subtle spices. Fermented and aged with a unique yeast, this ruby red beer has significant warming strength that underlies the pleasant character of this intriguing yet delicious Ale. The Mad Elf is a jolly and delicious beer for the holidays.

Serving Suggestions:  Temp: 50-55° F | Glassware: Chalice or Tulip 

Beer Advocate Score: 87 pts.

ABV: 11.0%
Hop Bitterness (IBUs): 15
Color: Ruby Red
Availability: Seasonal (October - December)
Malts: Pilsner, Munich, Chocolate
Hops: Saaz, Hallertau
Yeast: Spicy Belgian
JuJu: Pennsylvania Honey, Sweet and Sour Cherries

Case Cost$57



  1. Drink slowly. Savor. Don't be in a hurry.

  2. The Mad Elf gives the best beer buzz I have ever had in my life...This will be the 1st I have had this year and I sure am excited to get home from work and enjoy this magnificent brew. I certainly hope you all enjoy it...

  3. This beer reminds me of a red haired woman that really knocked me off my feet. KA-POW! Never saw it coming. She tasted sweet and we savored every moment we were together and then I wake up in bed all by myself the next day. Great idea for a Friday evening because you will wake up the next day wondering what happened the previous night. Good pick!

  4. What a fun Friday beer! I'd have another. On my way to the store.

  5. When I read that this was brewed with "Honey and Cherries" I said finally, a beer brewed by strippers--it was only a matter of time! This brew had a lot going on--a definite ale smell and enough of the honey and cherries to have a great flavor while avoiding the label of a "fruity" beer.

    I took this one slowly per Dave's recommendation above and it was a good call. This is a beer that can really knock you on your ass--again, not unlike strippers. In fact, I would be willing to bet that after a few of these in quick succession many of us--myself included--would be stripping it off and running down the street ala Will Ferrel in Old School.

    For me, The Mad Elf has risen to the top-tier of this year's selection. A wonderful mix of flavors, but nothing dominant, which I really like. No doubt there will be more of these in my stomach as the weather gets colder.

  6. I tasted this about 2 weeks ago on draft. Didn't like the aftertaste so I went with an IPA. I tried it again today, about hal, and I still feel it has a weird aftertaste that I can't put my finger on. Probably better I don't luv it bec I always get in trouble when I start taking down the 8+% brews quickly.

    1. That aftertaste is booze. Pure and simple booze.

  7. Like Christmas, the Mad Elf only comes around once a year. I saw the elf staring at me in the back of the fridge since it came out of hiding after drinking last night's beer. It stared at me, taughting me all day, tempting me to crack it open. The wait was worth it, the cherries and honey really stands out in this beer and the high ABV also helps. Christmas came early this year with the wife falling asleep leaving me half of hers. I give it a solid A

  8. So refer back to my comments from 2011 and 2013 for the full report but let's just say the Elf and I go way back. I've still got the t-shirt and I've somehow still got the job that I had two of these the night before the interview. Makes you wonder what kind of place would hire a guy like me. Another festivus miracle!

    Anyway, I'd first like to say that I think the Elf gets the award for most accurate beer description. Cherries, honey, and malt. That sums it up. Very easy to taste all of those and they work well together. Of course the reason they work well together is that the honey is nice to cover up the fact that this beer has enough booze to floor an army.

    Update. For the fifth consecutive year, Ro just took one swig of the Elf, declared it too sweet and passed it off to me. 23 ounces of Elf in my future! Which bar we headed to next !!!! Between 6 hours spent at Bluejacket yesterday and the bonus Elf, my liver is pleading for mercy.

  9. I didn't do any research or look back at what I thought about it last year (which was good) before cracking this one, and for some reason (maybe the 11%) I was thinking it was going to be a big old dose of spicy boozy syrupy brew. I was pleasantly surprised - the basic elements are all detectable and hold up against the 11%. It was a great holiday kitchen cooking sipper. I wouldn't buy a six pack of it and I didn't want a second one, but I will be looking forward to Mad Elf night during 24 DoB 2015!

  10. This was one my top 3 from last year's DOB and would probably place in my top 10 Greatest Beers of All Time list if I ever compiled one. Nothing's changed! Still the same heavenly combo of cherries, honey, and a whole lot of alcohol. A+

  11. Arguably the ULTIMATE CHRISTMAS BEER!!! Everything you want and nuthin ya dont. A wee bit of fruit from the cherry...bonus ABV from the honey...a bit of that funk from the Belgian yeast strain...brilliant and complex malt depth and complexity...deceptively and boldly boozy...simply brilliant!
    This beer used to be really hard to get back in the day but every year they make more. If this is your thing then get out and get it while you can. I speak from experience when I say that it ages really well. I had the last of my stash of the 2013 Mad Elf right before thanksgiving (actually Norman crushed my last one) and it was even more rich and complex. And that buzz!!! Drink one and feel that significant tingle...drink two and that goofy warm feeling pervades the entire body...drink three and you are running naked thru the streets "spreading your Christmas cheer".

    I just got 2 cases of the 22oz format bottles...which in my very humble opinion, is the perfect amount to consume in a single setting. I might lay a few down to see how it ages over the years.

    1. So that was you running naked through the streets spreading "christmas Cheer" my girlfriend thought you were spreading something else but she doesn't drink either; what does she know?

  12. My favorite winter beer. Three years running.

  13. Very nice entry with this one. First time trying it. I could certainly see adding it to my annual rotation. B+

  14. Just a great beer! I always love the Mad Elf! Can't believe that this is a 11% ABV. Grade 9 of 10, A

  15. I remember this from last year because I had actually had it the night before it was due to come up on the list. I had seen it in the beer case of the bar my brother and I were at and mentioned that it was on the list, so he ordered it. One sip was enough for him and he passed it to me with a less than favorable review. I drank the remainder, but did not care for it. However, I cracked the one from the 24DOB case the next night and really enjoyed it, as I did again this year. Wasn't sure how it was going to hit me, but I think I liked it even better this time. B+

  16. My first exposure with Mad Elf came from a six pack that I shared with my father. He was fine drinking his portion but when I stood up after my third, I fell straight back into my seat. The ABV is shadowed by this beer's sweetness so sip it slow crime-fighter. This beer continues to rank high in my growing list of winter beer preferences.

  17. I absolutely love Mad Elf. One of my all-time favorites.

  18. Mad Elf is an old friend that I run into once a year, we drink until our memories fails and the we go our separate ways for another 12 months, content with our separation but looking forward to our next meeting. At least I did fall asleep on the floor this time. Grade: 8/10.
