Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 23 - Great Lakes Christmas Ale

Why we picked itRecommendation from Andy at Norm's.

About Great Lakes' Christmas Ale:  

Name Origin:  This one’s for the annual gift exchange.  For warm, crowded living rooms and steamy kitchen windows. For roasts in the oven, long meandering toasts, and longer dining room tables. For a safe homecoming. For keeping Santa secret. For horrible sweaters and footie pajamas. For wrapping paper fights, snowball fights, and the peace that comes from watching the snow fall from a cozy chair. Christmas Ale is our tradition, and we’re thankful for everyone who’s made it a part of theirs.

Style Origin:
  The tradition of holiday brews has its origins in the Middle Ages when spices were
commonly used instead of hops to add flavor and medicinal qualities to beer. The style re-emerged in
the early 1900s in the northern countries of Western Europe when local brewers began creating specialty holiday brews for their favored patrons. Today, most breweries make their holiday beers darker and more potent and often add spices like ginger and cinnamon for a more pronounced holiday flavor.

Flavor:  Brewed with honey and spiced with fresh ginger and cinnamon

Harrington 2-Row Base Malt:
Allows color and flavor from other specialty malts to come through; makes for very clean beer 
Wheat:  Adds body and head retention
Crystal 45:  Contributes to copper color and adds sweet caramel aroma and flavor
Special Roast:  Contributes subtle hints of toasty and biscuit flavors
Roasted Barley:  Added in small amounts to contribute to overall complexity and color without overwhelming

Mt. Hood:  Provides subtle spicy and earthy aromas
Cascade:  Used as an aroma hop; citrusy aroma complements beer’s heavy spices
Honey:  An adjunct to add strength and fresh floral notes
Imparts festive aroma and flavor
Fresh Ginger:  Adds spicy aroma and flavor
Pairs WithA perfect complement to all holiday fare, toasts, and cheers
Shelf Life
126 days

Beer Advocate Score89 pts

ABV:  7.5%
IBUs:  30 

Case Cost$50

*website: https://www.greatlakesbrewing.com/beer/an-exceptional-family-of-beers/seasonal/christmas-ale


  1. I hope it taste as good as it did over thanksgiving when I finished off a six pack and then proceeded to play flip cup long into the night and wake up with a killer headache!

  2. As far as winter ales go (and apparently there are a bazillion of them), this was a keeper. Not over the top,but something that I could easily serve to friends on Christmas Eve that would likely please every palate. It went down smooth...and far too quickly. Nice choice.

  3. you ever go on a blind date that your mother set up with one of her closest friends? So no matter what happens on the date you have to be on your best behavior. So you see the date and think no bad: beautiful caramel color and gives a decent head. But she tastes so medicinal that your first impression is totally shot. WOW very mediciney. But you slug through b/c you gotta and put a smile on your face. But each tastes reminds you of being a kid and forced to take that medicine when you were sick. So when you get home and your Mom asks how the date went you tell her don't set me up with any of your friends daughters anymore. Too medicinal for my taste

    1. I'm so confused, I thought you went out with your mom's friend. Cougar town

  4. Definitely had a medicinal taste but it wasn't bad per se. Kinda leaves a funny aftertaste but overall I enjoyed this beer. Great Lakes is a decent brewery so this is par for the course. B+

  5. So I know this was good, but the full review is a little blurry. I started off with last night's Anchor Steam. Then I had two Bell's Mercurys (it's Bell's limited Planetary release, at Total wine now, limit one bottle per, it's a Belgian and very good! It will be gone in a week or so never to be seen again, so if you want one, go get it soon!). Then I had the Great Lakes Christmas Ale. It went down fast, had good flavors and I remember I liked it. I'm off to Cleveland tomorrow, so maybe I will try to visit this brewery while I'm there. Grade 8.5 of 10, B+

    1. Get some appetizers while you're there

  6. It was good but not memorable. I would drink again. B

  7. Initially, I thought it was just okay but it grew on me as I continued drinking. I wonder if it had anything to do with the two margaritas I had from Unlce Julios. My Great Lakes knowledge is limited but this was not as good as their black IPA but far superior to their gold ale.

  8. A good seasonal session beer in my opinion. It was a little disheartening after pulling it from the fridge and only seeing tomorrows beer left.

    1. I felt the same way when I got home from work and grabbed the penultimate beer from another excellent incarnation of the 24DOB

  9. Great beer from an excellent brewery! It was awesome to have it back to back with the anchor steam. Both beers are well done and not over the top.
    There was a great deal of finesse that went into the crafting of this brew. I did not get the medicinal taste some of you did. You get hit with the perfect balance of malt, spice, and hops right away. The malt is deep and rich...reminds me of the smell at a brewery when they are cooking the wort. That malt flavor is prominent and evocative, but not overwhelming. This is a superior winter ale!
    Ultimately I do prefer the slightly over the top schlafly Xmas but damn, I truly do appreciate this beer.
    I will grab a sixer of this tomorrow on my way into work.

  10. Another loser. Brewed from the finest neosporin, with a hint of bactine. The beer lineup has hit a funk - let's hope we can rally with a giant Sam on Christmas Eve. Happy festivus everyone

  11. A decent beer the second time around as well. Not exactly how I remember it, but went down smooth.

  12. Didn't get the medicinal taste that others are mentioning. I thought this was a somewhat better than average Christmas Ale. They could have kicked the spice content up a notch, but I found it very easy to drink and a nice flavor. B- for me.

  13. I really enjoyed this selection. I didn't detect any medicinal taste that others have pointed out. While Mad Elf is still my favorite, I still rank this high on this list.

  14. Due to margaritas leaving me asleep on the couch by 9, I drank this one tonight before attempting to assemble toys and wrap packages. Had this quite a few times. Everyone from Ohio loves it as I'm sure they've all told you. I do find it pretty awesome. The honey or some malt makes it a little too heavy or syrupy to replace Celebration Ale, but I think it's a great holiday beer.
