Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12 - Rogue Mocha Porter

About Rogue Mocha PorterRuddy brown in color, a bittersweet balance of malt and hops with a light cream finish.
Dedicated to the chocolate lover in each of us. Mocha Porter was once known as New Porter, in honor of the town of Newport, Oregon and home of Rogue Ales.

Beer Advocate Score: 87 points

Food Pairing: Beef, Desserts

IBUs: 54
Plato: 13º
Lovibond:  77º

Malts: Great Western 2-Row, 135-165, 95-115, and 70-80 Crystal; Chocolate, Black, Munich, and Carastan.

Hops: Sterling & Perle Hops.

Yeast & Water: Rogue's Pacman Yeast & Free Range Coastal Water.

Alcohol by Volume: 5.3%

Case Cost: $47



  1. Let me start with I hate and don't drink porters and despise a chocolate flavored beer (why not just grab some chocolate? The next think you know they will produce a beer that tastes like peaches!). Having said that, I found the beer very creamy and very dark (which is the way I like my women and beer), however the taste was disgusting. Don't go by me b/c this is just not my type of beer. But I finished it without complaint! I assume this porter might be delightful for those that enjoy chocolate porters.
    Rating: 5.5

  2. So, staring at the logo on the bottle, I had an awesome flashback of that Santa's Private Reserve we drank from Rogue last year. I tried to lower expectations after my less than stellar Dead Guy experience from a few days back. Plus I'm not usually a fan of most porters but some I do enjoy. And this is definitely one of them. Maybe it's the fact that despite only having two cups of coffee in my life and an overall hatred of hot beverages, I do have an unhealthy obsession with mocha frappacinos from Starbucks. So while Ro finds the flavor to be "too sweet" and "disgusting", I find it awesome. And so much better than last night's experience. Makes me wish we had gotten two cases so I could have had 23.5 ounces tonight. Big fan. Put it up with the Ommegang on my list for this year. And it looks like we are now moving to beers that are more in my wheelhouse.

  3. I have a confession to make. I drank this one last night after the DuClaw Euphoria Nut Brown Ale. Was in the mood for another and all I had in the fridge was Brewer's Art Resurrection, which I'm not that keen on. I liked the sound of a Mocha Porter and it seemed like it would be a nice follow-up to the brown ale. And it was.

    I thought it had a great dark color and creamy head (although the head didn't last long). Not much smell to it, but I loved the decent amount of hoppiness/bitter finish. Didn't get any coffee or chocolate taste or smell - maybe because I'd just had the nutty caramel brew? - and I didn't find the flavor too complex or anything, but it was tasty enough.

    Went looking for it tonight in my local liquor store so I could try it again but no luck. So staying in the same genre, I got some DuClaw Sweet Baby Jesus - chocolate peanut butter porter. Love this beer. The kid who served me in the liquor store said it tastes like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Don't know if I would go that far, but it is one tasty brew in my opinion. I'm off to have another...

  4. I liked this a lot - if I had another, it would be gone in a few giant swallows. I'm eating some spicy Mexican food (with extra Chipotle hot sauce), so that could have something to do with it. I'm not sure I get calling it a Porter due to it's hop character, and the chocolate is very much in the background, but it's definitely working for me. Nice selection, beer guys!

  5. It was ok for a Mocha Porter. I enjoy the darker beers. I like the taste a little richer, but it met my expectations. Nothing great, but nothing terrible

  6. This was a pretty rich and heavy beer, could definatly taste the chocolate. I know it said it goes good with dessert ( I enjoyed mine with carrot cake) but I think it could have been the dessert. Wouldnt mind drinking a few more of these but after a chicken burrito, carrot cake, and one of these, I'm not sure there is any room left for many more but I would certainly try. B

  7. First off, let me apologize for not posting recently. The holiday season has gotten the better of me. I'm sure you have missed my 1990s drinking anecdotes. Speaking of......

    I missed the Rogue Dead Guy Ale. There was a time when that was my go to starter beer for Maryland Football tailgates (I'm sure Bolter just shuddered at the thought of CJ Brown diving for the end zone in overtime just a few weeks ago in Blacksburg). In any event, I'm generally a fan of the Rogue product line.

    The Mocha Porter, however, is somewhat unpleasant. Too bitter for my liking (and I generally like porters). Where's that bottle of Dead Guy? I'm going to open that.

  8. Excellent. After I finished this porter I wanted another, and probably would have wanted a third. There are surely more extravagant porters, but to me this tasted like the quintessential porter. Roasty, full mouthfeel, but not overly oily, and well balanced hops. I will be buying this offering soon. Didn't think it was overly coffee-like, as the "mocha" might imply, which was fine by me. Gets an A.

  9. A very pleasant brew. I'm not a fan of mochas, so I was pretty happy that it was very subtle and I like the Hoppy finish. Much more interesting finish than you usually get from a porter. All in all an above average beer.

  10. Word of the day: Overrated. Don't get me wrong, I love dark beers in general but only "liked" this one. More hoppy than usual with a bittersweet chocolate taste. I probably sound like a hypocrite after complaining about the sweetness of the last few entries but I would've prefered more sweet to balance out the hops and bitterness. I liked the Du Claw much better and its much cheaper too.

    1. Oops posted too soon....

      This beer reminds me why I stay away from Rogue. They make decent beer but sell it at premium prices.

      Coincidentally I was scarfing down some burgers while I cracked this open. The pairing didn't really do anything....

      Judging by taste alone I would give this a B, but taking price in consideration this gets a B-

  11. It was ok. Pretty solid porter but not a whole lot of wow factor.
    Not worth the price of admission.

  12. Did not like this at all. The first one I contemplated not finishing. I appreciate trying to do some different things. In this case it's good to try something I don't usually get to make me appreciate what I DO usually get.

  13. I thought this was OK, but my judgement may be clouded because I accidentally opened this one of the other days which we had a Rogue beer, and then I put a pressurized wine stopper in it for about a week. I thought it was very easy to drink, nothing jumped out at me though to make this a porter above any others.

  14. I liked this beer and am learning I like dart beers. It was smooth and went down real easy. I could easy drink a few of these fellers

  15. I didn't have high hopes for this beer. I just don't like porters. The first three sips tasted like coffee to me and I hated it. Half way through it though it became drinkable and I was able to finish it. I can taste the malts and kind of like that about this beer. However I hope to never have to drink one of these again. Grade 5 of 10, D-

  16. I'm usually a big fan of porters of any kind but particularly Chocolate porters, but this one left me flat. There's just not a lot to it. 4 out of 10.

  17. I'm becoming a bigger and bigger fan of porters and really got interested in them after having DC Brau's Penn Quarter Porter this year. Which I find to be an exceptional beer, not even just an exceptional porter. Wow. Ok, I digress. I didn't like this one as much as I liked PQP. It had a nice bitterness to it, but I think that overpowered the malt. I think that's why a lot of people up above said the flavor was a bit subdued. I would've liked more malt and less hops in this one. But it was nice and dry, which I enjoyed. Wouldn't buy this one again.
