Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16 - Green Flash Green Bullet

About Green Flash Green BulletNamed after a super-robust New Zealand hop, Green Bullet™ is a well-balanced Triple IPA being bottled today for the 1st time ever. Brewmaster, Chuck Silva initially released this Pacific Gem to celebrate the Green Flash 9th Anniversary in 2011, and it was an immediate hit! Now, this cult favorite will be available from coast-to-coast as a seasonal release from September through December 2013. Be on the lookout for this high-caliber addition to our arsenal in 4-packs, 22oz bottles and on draft, because you do not want to miss the release.

A full-bodied Triple IPA, Green Bullet combines New Zealand grown Pacific Gem and Green Bullet hops. Significant pine and citrus hoppiness hit the palate at first sip, accentuated by tropical notes of mango and pineapple, ending with a moderately aggressive, bitter finish. 

Beer Advocate Score: 88 points 

Alcohol by Volume: 10.1%

Case Cost: $13 per 4-pack



  1. Joe hasn't posted yet? Am I the only one who decided to crack open a 10.1% ABV beverage before dinner? Wusses....

    Anyway, I had really high hopes for this. I like the Green Flash West Coast IPA, a standard draft beer at Galaxy Hut. And I mistakenly thought Green Flash made Sculpin IPA (some other San Diego brewery). But still, I thought this would be awesome judging by the description. Wow was I wrong. Now, as I've mentioned in the past, I can basically eat hops straight from the bag. But this takes it way too far. I always hate when people complain that a beer is "bitter." But this beer is freaking bitter. I'm not sure if it's the "dry hops" or what, but this is just awful. And it leaves a horrible sensation in the back of the roof of your mouth. Like the Mad Elf, it does get better as you work your way through it. I'm getting used to it and I'm getting drunk. But the roof of my mouth still itches and I'm still not a fan. Ro took one sip and declared it undrinkable. Probably good since she has to go fight off a bunch of helicopter parents at a PTA meeting....

  2. Holy crap this is like having a mouthful of bitterness! Folks who love IPAs will definitely love this one. I can't seem to get the bitterness out of my mouth. The only thing that has me continuing is the high ABV (lets hope that works). Ready to take a brillo pad to my mouth
    rating: 4

  3. After reading the first few reviews I rushed to the fridge to crack this open and.....

    I actually like it. Which is bizarre because I don't like IPA's. It wasn't as bitter as I thought and it had slight sweetness which i think makes it manageable. The hops completely mask the 10% ABV and pretty much everything else. This is definitely a niche beer and not for the masses. B

  4. I've never been a big IPA fan and this one hasn't changed my mind. I appreciate the 10% ABV, but thats bout the only positive I can come up with for this beer. With the high ABV I wouldn't turn it down if it was offered to me, but I wouldn't seek it out. C

  5. Very bitter IPA. Not an everyday beer but I like it in small quantities. Would definitely pick it any day of the week over another sweet, malty winter beer. I give it a B +. I added the + because the ABV makes me feel nice.

  6. I am not a big IPA fan, but this kind of hit the spot tonight. Maybe the high ABV. I was expecting a little more hops overpowering, but after the beer breathed for a little bit it did not have that overpowering taste. One of those beers I would not have picked on my own, but a good beer. Not sure if most of the IPAs have American hops and this is from New Zealand.

  7. Fantastic. This could be my favorite so far. Love the combination of piney and citrusy smells and flavors, and the fairly extreme grapefruity bitterness. There's something interestingly fruity in the flavor as well. I think this beer has a lot going on, and of course the high ABV doesn't hurt either. This is definitely hitting the spot and taking the edge off the Christmas-shopping-after-work expedition. Will definitely seek this one out again. I haven't been giving grades so far, but I'm compelled to give this one an A+.

  8. I am a big fan of IPAs, and this is a good one. Not as good as the West Coast IPA from Green Flash, but still above average. There is a lot of hops, but I also picked up the citrus and floral on the front end. Not my fav, but I'd definitely have another.

  9. This beer is dangerous on so many levels! Lets start with the ABV...Holy Shit!!! Next to the hops...intense to the max. But what really excites me here is the balance of the incredibly malty (you need to have a serious amount of malt to achieve this ABV) to the stunningly bitter. I get that this beer is not for everyone, but being a fan of IPA's (prob my favorite style of beer) this one is incredibly unique. ABV close to that of wine...hops that skin your tongue raw...the warmth, love, and joy that ensues after having been bitch slapped by this beer.
    Big winner. Glad that I still have a sixer of this in my fridge and I will miss it till it comes back next year.
    Note***this one is even better on draft...a little more round and floral up front.

  10. I love IPA's and I had high hopes of this one being out of this world, since it's a triple and not many breweries produce a triple. This was a quality beer but for as hoppy as it was in taste it could have used a little more in the nose. Would love to try this fresh on draft. This bottle gets a B+.

  11. I really liked this beer. I put a fire in the fireplace, pushed the recliner back and just enjoyed this one slowly. I like the combination of bitterness and mouthfeel that comes along with higher alcohol IPA's such as this one and DFH 120 Minute IPA. On the nice list.

  12. I've rarely met an IPA I didn't like. But this one. It's just too much for me. Too much hops. You can't really taste anything else.

  13. Love, love, love this beer. I'm a Hop Head, so I'm absolutely in love with beers like this one. That sensation of having your mouth torn apart by the hop bitterness is what I crave. I'm also the biggest fan of Green Flash, in general. Their Palate Wrecker is my all-time favorite IPA. And their Saison Diego, West Coast IPA and Rayon Vert are exceptional beers. I'm going to add Green Bullet to the pantheon-like Green Flash lineup I enjoy frequently now.

  14. Not a big fan of this one. It has a bite to it that I don't like. The description calls it a moderately aggressive bitter finish - umm yeah, that's pretty accurate. And, I sure don't taste the pineapple and sweet mango. On to the next one - we are a few days behind....

  15. I like IPAs and this beer is pretty good. When I drink this it reminds me of one of my other favorite IPAs, Bell's Hopslam (I think the Hopslam is better). This can sneak up on you though with the 10.1 ABV, so only one for me tonight even though I have a couple more in the frig. If you don't like IPAs or hops, you're going to hate this beer. Rating 8.5 out of 10, solid B.

  16. This beer gives good IPA's a bad reputation. I appreciate being extreme and experimental, but it has to taste good or the experiment was a failure. Not interesting and not pleasant (to me). Sweatsock + extreme bitterness + dishrag.

  17. So the cub scouts came by our house this day and gave us the tub of Buffalo cheddar popcorn that we ordered from them, and I ate it while drinking this beer. Unfortunately that means I have no idea what this beer actually tasted like, but I did enjoy it nonetheless. Goes great with cheddar popcorn.
