Friday, December 14, 2012

December 14 - Schlafly's Winter ESB

Why we picked it:   Wanted a few ESB beer types in the group and this one caught our eye.

About Schlafly's Winter ESB:  Our Winter ESB (Extra Special Bitter) may have the word “bitter” in its name, but the key to this style is balance. While having more alcohol and English hop character than its Pale Ale cousin, the addition of extra crystal and biscuit malts give the beer a toasty, fruity flavor. Our ESB is dry hopped with a US grown hop varietal called Williamette, which has a pronounced spicy, lemon flavor.

In the early 1970’s, brewers in London and the south of England expanded the range of beers available in pubs, reacting to the wave of European lagers moving into the British pub scene. In addition to the ordinary bitters and pale ales, brewers developed recipes for stronger premium ales like ESB, special bitter and special pale ale. These beers contributed to the English traditional ale revival of the 1980’s, making their way into the beer portfolios of many American craft breweries.

Appearance: Copper-colored, bright

Process: Dry hopped

Hops: Willamette (US), Pilgrim (UK)

Malts: 2-row and caramel malted barley, Munich malt, rye malt

Yeast: London Ale


ABV: 5.8%

Case cost:  $32



  1. So I was worried when I read the description and realized that ESB stood for Extra Special Bitter because I don't like bitter beers. Reminded me of the spoof on Star Wars where the Capt ordered the ship to go to Ludicrous Speed! What the bitter beers are not good enough we have to invent Extra Bitter? Whats next? Very Extra Bitter?

    Anyway, I had in my mind that my face would look like that peach looked like on that peach beer we tried over the summer but was pleasantly surprised. It was not much bitter than the beers we have already tasted. I would not purchase this beer but it wasn't all that bad. It goes well with a sweet desert!

    Rating: 6.5

  2. I found this beer to be both delightful and terrific. Could definitely see myself drinking a 12-pack of this beer. Reasonable price.

    Grade: Dazed and Confused

  3. Joe and Dave, I'm with you. Was fearful of the "bitter" description and I didn't like the first sip. After several more sips I could taste the slight hint of fruit. It turned out to be a pretty good pick and now I'm ready for another. I guess WGB will do.

  4. This beer was neither extra special nor bitter. As a lover of a well done bitter beer, I was a bit disappointed. However, it was still a very good beer with plenty flavor but nothing wacky and not too heavy. For me, it almost be an ideal summer beer. Grade: 6.75 (minus a quarter point for the misleading name)

  5. To be fair, I'm already well on my way to drunk. That said, this beer tastes mighty fine.

  6. There are two things St. Lucians love, 1) The Cardinals and 2) beer made in St. Louis. It reminds me of the first time I went to St. Louis with Cassandra and we went into this bar (shocker). At the time, I had not started drinking craft beers and usually stuck with the Silver Bullet. As I ordered my Coors, a woman who I can only liken to the ghost consultant from Beetlejuice, scolded me by saying, "you ain't in Colorado." Embarrassed I ordered a round of St. Louis brewed beers. It wasn't Schlafly's beer but I wish it was because the last two Schlafly's I've had have been very good. My next trip out there, I'm going to be sure and ask for Schlafly's instead of watered down Bud Light.

    1. It seems that my little trip down memory lane, I forgot to describe this beer. I liked it and didn't find it bitter like it was advertised. It's a change of pace beer from our other porters and stouts and I wish I had more. 8 out of 10

  7. Everything from the STL is the best. I give this a 10 out of 10.

  8. Big fan despite the fact it is from St. Louis and named after a relative of an anti-feminist homophobe. I'm kidding, I have no complaints about St. Louis. Probably because I've never been there. Anyway, I found this beer to be a perfect combination of maltiness, bitterness, and awesomeness. Definitely lighter than our recent selections.

    Sidebar, I'm drinking a Sierra Nevada Celebration right now. Much tastier than last year. Much tastier.

  9. Hm, not our style at all. Tasted like a flat orange. Didn't finish even half of it.

  10. Solid ESB...I was left wanting for more though. It really is well balanced as advertised but in need of slightly more character. If I saw this on tap at a bar, I would probably opt for a sam Adams or a Sierra.
    Did anyone else get a hint of Powdered instant iced tea on the finish or am I crazy....

  11. Very nice for a lighter style E.S.B Thanks!
    F.Y.I it is much better on Draft!
    Rated 6.9/10

  12. I was expecting not to like it. I tend not to like most ESB's. But this didn't have that classic ESB malt flavor pounding my tongue. It was in the background. The subtle fruitiness was nice too. Don't know if I will seek it out, but definitely fine if handed one. B.

  13. Not bad. It was a great pre-flight beer. I wish there was only some more to e had for the flight. I did notice a "tea" type flavor or hint in this one Tommy. I would definitely like I have a good cigar with this one. When do I get to drink the 2-4ouncer??

  14. I liked this. It has a distinct taste that I couldn't place. I was with Ivan when he drank his and he thought it tasted like Arizona Ice Tea. So sounds like more than one person got that tea taste. I thought it was light, crisp and interesting. Because of the unique taste I probably could only have 2-3 of these before switching to something else. Grade 6.5 out of 10, C+.

  15. I'm with Kris and Justin here. Didn't really enjoy this one and only made it partially through the beer before abandoning it.
