Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22 - Abita's Christmas Ale

Why we picked itAnother seasonal beer from one of our favorite breweries.

About Abita's Christmas AleAbita Christmas Ale (November - December) rounds out our calendar. Each year at the Abita Brewery we craft a special dark ale for the holiday season. The recipe changes each year so that Abita Christmas Ale is always the perfect gift. Its spicy character is excellent with traditional holiday foods such as gingerbread or spiced nuts. Try some blue cheese or a creamy Camembert with a Christmas Ale.


Suggested temperature: 44°

Suggested glassware: pint, stein, goblet or stange.  For info on glassware, Abita has provided this information Click Here

Case Cost$32



  1. Let me first say I was very excited about this. I've got a long and lovely relationship with Abita. Many Jazzfests, got engaged in New Orleans, and had my bachelor party in New Orleans. Even had Abita at my wedding. Now, my favorite Abita is the 32 ounce cup you get for $3 from some shady doorfront in the French Quarter or some temporary speakeasy by the Fairgrounds, but I drink Abita quite regularly and my Restoration Ale t-shirt is in my regular rotation.

    I was not aware Abita even had a Christmas Ale, and have been looking forward to this since I picked up the case. I had a wonderful day of shopping and holding a fussy baby so I really needed an Abita. I cracked it open and took my first sip. It was only years of drinking and previous experiences with peach and watermelon beer that allowed me to keep it down. I gagged twice. Thinking no beer could taste this bad, I tried another sip. Still gagging. I let it sit for 5 minutes to get it closer to 44 degrees. Still awful. Poured it in some appropriate glassware. That actually made it worse. Searched my fridge for Camembert. I don't have that (which makes me feel better as a person for not having that). What the hell is this taste? Ro said maybe chocolate? I think it's feces. This is the worst beer I have had in years. Years. I think it would require a skunked Rauchbier to top this. Fucking hell.

    I can only assume others have not posted since they have been incapacitated by this crap. I honestly don't think I can finish this. I feel ill.

  2. Tastes like fruitcake. With a bad chocolate aftertaste. Not finishing this one.

  3. Update. The Abita just went down the drain. First one I've done that to. Ever. Running hot water and the disposal to remove any evidence. May put a lemon down there too. May put a lemon down my throat as well. Currently finding another beer to undo the damage. Mmmm....Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale...

  4. Well...
    I had an Abita Xmas a few years ago that was pretty tasty...this one...not so much. It tastes like watered down turbodog that someone spilled something into. I will not be pouring this down the drain, but I will think twice before purchasing a seasonal Abita in the future.

  5. Pondering this mystery further(and drinking this beer as fast as I could), I would like to revise my earlier flavor classification. This tastes like watered down turbodog that someone cut 50/50 with a vodka cranberry. Solved that one...still doesn't make it taste any better.
    Moving on to a DBB wee heavy "kilt flasher" scotch ale then gonna finish my night with a kona pipeline porter.

  6. I drank all of it, but that's about the best thing I can say of it. I cant say I hated the initial flavor, but that's only because I couldn't detect much of anything up until that wretched chocolatey? aftertaste kicked in. Grade: 1.5/10 only because its still better than that peach thing.

  7. I have to disagree. Simply put, that was a great beer!

  8. I liked the Abita...a lot. Drank this one faster than my husband!

  9. To quote Sarah: "Meh."

    To quote Chris Bock (lately): " "

    The good thing about this beer is it made me get excited about our trip to Jazz Fest this spring!

  10. At first this beer tasted pretty good. But I think it was because the cocaine hadn't worn off and my face and mouth were still numb. This tastes like shit! It's kinda like a Brooklyn Brown Ale that Rudolph took a shit in! I kinda want my money back for just this one beer. So Bolter! I'd like my $1.75 back please. I feel as though I got robbed. I tried to pour this in the neighbors dogs water bowl, but he just squatted over it and shit in it. He was pissed when I told him that he wasn't the first one to do that to this beer. I'm trying to look forward to tomorrow's beer but having a hard time. I hope everyone else gets through this One okay

  11. All I want for Christmas is a real good tan,
    take me to the Islands put my feet in the sand,
    rockin' to and fro with the rhythm of the ocean.
    singin Silent Night with the palm trees ablowin'..

    After the first sip of this beer, I thought of this Kenny Chesney Christmas song. I can see myself sitting in the caribbean somewhere around a decorated palm tree, singing feliz navidad with my amigos enjoying a Abitas Christmas Ale. But enough of how I would spend my ideal Christmas, this was a pretty light beer, but with a winter feel to it that I can't quite explain. I could easily have 6 or more of these. 8 out 10

  12. Sorry I did not post but the power was out for several hours last night a had to open this beer up in the candle light.

    Hey the beer was ok. I certainly did not get the skunked beers that some of you mentioned (thank you God!). It did have a weird aftertaste that at first I thought was bitter but maybe not, couldn't really tell. I finished mine and it was fine for me. I will say as it got warmer the beer tasted better. I was eating spicy salsa which I thought went well with this beer.

    Rating: 6

  13. Okay for a christmas beer.
    Rated 6.9/10

  14. Went down fast and smooth. I don't get why some people thought this was really bad. Maybe some people got skunked bears? I didn't think it was great, but it was definitely good. Grade it 6.5 out of 10, B-

  15. One of my favorites. Thoroughly enjoyed. Curious about Tony's math - 6.5 = B-? Maybe thats George Mason math.

    Grade: Peeing on roommates couch.
