Monday, December 18, 2017

Day 18: Ninkasi Sleigh'r

Why we picked it: Ummmm, did you see name and label? How could we not?

What Ninkasi has to say: 
Seize the season with Sleigh'r. Layers of deeply toasted malt are balanced by just enough hop bitterness to make it deceivingly drinkable. Paired with a dry finish, Sleigh’r is anything but your typical winter brew.

Tasting Notes: An Alt ferments with Ale yeast at colder lagering temperatures. This effect gives Alts a more refined, crisp lager-like flavor than traditional ales. The Alt has been “Ninkasified” raising the ABV and IBUs. Sleigh'r has a deep, toasted malt flavor that finishes dry and balanced.

Food Pairings: Beef, Lamb, Duck, Steamed Shellfish, Strong Cheeses, Chocolate Torte

ABV: 7.2%
IBU: 60

Fun Fact:  Now in its tenth year, the brewery continues to grow while remaining fully independent and continuously focused on community. A team of two has increased to a family of over 100 employees who operate Ninkasi’s tasting room, production and lab facilities, sales force, marketing teams, local distribution arm, and a donations program. Ninkasi maintains a year-round Flagship Series of seven beers, including Total Domination IPA, followed by seasonal, special release, and R&D offerings.  


  1. Another day I finish my beer before the blog is updated. Not sure if that's a problem with me or the blog guy. Probably both. I first had Ninkasi out in the great northwest about 3 years ago. The Tricerahops I believe. Was a big fan. Great name and great beer. Now Ninkasi seems to be everywhere around here, but I am just not a big fan of some of them. And this falls in that category. Just way too bitter for me. Too toasted. Too malt. And not getting much of a finish except the bitterness. And I don't need more bitterness in my life this time of year. 2 out of 5 Steve Prefontaines. I suddenly have a desire to pound 6 beers and go blast a 5K. Who's with me?

  2. This is my favorite beer of the event so far. It had all I'm looking for in a winter beer. Great toasted malt aroma, deep brown color, some bitterness, but everything was well balanced and nothing was overpowering. And an awesome name and label. Maybe I should save this in case a better one comes along, but I'm going to give this one the prestigious 5 leg lamps.

  3. I am digging this one. It struck me as a bit watery at first, but I like the bold flavoring, and the hard-core, Nick Foles-ish attempt at greatness. To me, it falls a bit short of Carson Wentz - I mean - of the Sierra Nevada Celebration, but I like it a lot. I sort of wonder what this one would taste like if heated up like glow wine - is that weird? Anyway, I am down - 3.9 Dick Vermeil's.

  4. Great beer, I really like that they alt-ered (see what I did there?) a traditional style in a moderate fashion. You can really taste the Ninkasification, and it makes for a perfect winter beer without having to add cinnamon, nutmeg, or any other supplemental holiday cheer.
