Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 17: DC Brau Penn Quarter Porter With Coffee

Why We Picked It: McNary got excited about this one.  Hard to blame him.

What DC Brau Says About It: Nothing on the website, but got this off Untappd: "This collaboration with friends and local coffee roasters, Vigilante Coffee Company, started with the search for the perfect roast to compliment Penn Quarter Porter. Vigilante’s El Lovo coffee brings notes of maple and dark fruit to compliment the roast, dark cocoa, and espresso notes in our robust porter, while adding a velvety and creamy finish."

ABV: 5.5%


Fun Facts:About the original PQ Porter: "Penn Quarter Porter was our first in a line of draft and 22oz bomber limited-release beers, and it’s a robust porter! In the way that The Public™ is on the line between a pale ale and an IPA, this warming brew tiptoes the line between a porter and a stout – perfect for the cooler months in DC."


  1. This beer hit me like a Stephen Strasburg curveball (sneaking in a Nats reference for you DMV folks). I usually like to keep my coffee and beer separated by at least 12 hours, but this was great. I'll give it 3.5/4 strikes.

    1. Also, this is Zack - My name says "Unknown" on my computer...

  2. I was running late for work today trying to make a 9am meeting. No time to make my cappuccino. Fortunately, I noticed this coffee brew was next in line. Grabbed it on the go. I have to say, perfect companion for the 30 min, 95N commute. I could have used two more through the meeting.
    Now, I'm not a fan of coffee flavored beers. I like coffee, I like beer, but call me old fashion, they should stay separate. With that said, for what it is... Well done. I'll never pay for one of these and may actually turn a free one down, but overall (mind you, I'm trying to be an open minded critic here), 3 of 5 half-caf, decaf mocha latte, pumpkin spice, with almond milk coffee.

  3. I admit, I cheated and drank this yesterday since today is devoted to jello. And not the fun kind of jello shots. Anyway, Penn Quarter Porter is one of my favorite porters. And I like coffee. So the description is accurate. I got a bit excited in the beer store when this was sighted. And I do find this lovely. Although I'm not getting as much coffee as I expected. I mean, all porters are sort of coffee. And Penn Quarter is a coffee-ish porter. So I'm not seeing the difference. I need to have both this and the regular side by side. Soon. So maybe it's because I like porters and like coffee, but seems just like the regular. Which is outstanding! 5 out of 5 Ovie slapshots.

  4. I'm hit or miss with porters, but this is definitely more of a hit. I think its the full coffee taste I got that really worked for me. If you took the coffee away, I'd probably hate it... but that's a hypothetical. Anyway, 2.5 out of 4 Dunkins.

  5. I liked this OK, nothing special. But I do love Vigilante coffee. Just down the road from me and I met Chris Vigilante this past Saturday. He has a dog named Harold. Very dignified name for a dog.

  6. Nice porter! I like that the coffee is subtle. It makes it have a little more bitterness than a typical porter, and a roasted flavor like a stout. Really enjoyable.
