Thursday, June 14, 2012

21st Amendment's Hell or High Watermelon

Before we get to the beer, just wanted to share a couple of the images that come up when you google "21st Amendment's Hell or High Watermelon".  In today's beer review, please add your best captions for the two pics below.  A little twist in our beer tasting adventure. 

And now 21st Amendment's Hell or High Watermelon

Like Lady Liberty, we stand for independence and perseverance. In the pursuit of innovative beer, there is no obstacle too great. No journey too long. No fruit too gigantic. This American wheat beer is brewed with real watermelon, for a flavor that's surprisingly crisp, dry and refreshing—summer in a can.

Hell or High Watermelon Wheat is our summer seasonal beer available from April through September in six pack cans and on draft. We start by brewing a classic American wheat beer, which undergoes a traditional secondary fermentation using fresh watermelon. A straw-colored, refreshing beer with a kiss of watermelon aroma and flavor.

ABV: 4.9%


  1. Not as objectionable as the peach beer, but that's like saying losing one leg isn't as bad as losing both. Enough with the fruity beers. Let's leave that to zima, bartles and james, jack daniels coolers, etc.

  2. I like this one a lot. The watermelon isn't overwhelming but you can definitely taste it. It's a nice, refreshing summer beer.

    I got nothing for the captions...

  3. I think this beer is nice and don't taste too much watermelon.

    Caption 1: Susie was a little shocked to find out that she wouldn't be served another Hell or High Watermelon unless she increased the size of her melons.

    Caption 2: Alcohol always made Ken do strange things, but the thirty Hell or High Watermelons he drank in Ft. Lauderdale really took it to a new level.

  4. Nasty...tastes like plastic.

  5. Ro took one sip and said it tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher. And that was the end of that. I have to admit after dreading this for a week, it's better than I expected. Bolter's comment sums it up perfectly. It's a solid 2nd to worst beer we've had. Why do people feel the need to do this to beer? Is it just a gateway drink for youngsters? You start with a wine cooler, then move up to a Cisco, and the next logical step is a 21st Amendment Hell or High Watermelon in a can. Seven short days later, you've finished your first week of college and you're shotgunning Milwaukee's Beasts like an old pro. Within a month you've moved on to American microbrews and eventually you find yourself in the housewares section of Williams and Sonoma demanding the correct glass to drink your Fuller's ESB.

  6. Totally tastes like a watermelon jolly rancher beer. WHY do this to beer?!! It's not the most awful thing I have ever drank, but that being said, my palate is a little dumber for having drank this beer!

  7. Can't taste the watermelon. Went down fine. I love beer in cans...looking forward to tomorrow.

  8. Following the peach debacle, I dreaded this one. As I couldn't keep on schedule, Im even holding the ESB as a chaser. While I am still looking forward to the ESB, this was not a horrific disaster. Just a sweet beer I don't really want to drink again.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Caption 2: Johnny of the Watermelon Boys was ready to take on the entire Rotten Peach Gang and get revenge for the death of his younger brother, seedyboy.

  9. caption 1: "in my country I was a brain surgeon, here in America, I clean ladies chest's dressed as a giant watermelon."
    caption 2: after he ate a radioactive watermelon, he's now the lamest superhero or auditioning for the role of Dumb Donald in the Fat Albert remake.

    This beer wasn't as bad ad I expected it to be, but I wouldn't drink anymore after this. It reminds me when I was 15 and drinking a flavored zima, because I didn't know any better and it was the only thing I could find to drink. As an adult, I prefer to leave the Jolly Ranger flavors out of my beer. 4 out of 10

  10. I am a day late and after reading the comments I was almost sure this beer would suck. I WAS WRONG! This beer is awesome! I can taste a hint of watermelon on the back of my tongue and it doesn't bother me. I drank this really fast in the sun on my deck and thought it was delicious!

  11. ok so I skipped this beer on purpose b/c I was afraid. I will admit it. I also wanted to have a back up beer to wash the taste down all based on the earlier peach cobbler beer experience. So I just finished tasting this beer. Initial taste was not bad b/c it had a hint of watermelon but after half a beer and the beer finally warmed up, KABLAM the flavors just exploded. I could not finish the beer and now have a watermelon aftertaste that I will soon wash away with Friday's beer. This tasted like a watermelon flavored chapstick.

    Rating: 2

  12. So when I drank this beer I didn't think it was bad. It was the only beer I drank that night, and I'd give it a B-. But then I ran into it again two days later (yes, late on the review) and it tasted awful. It was totally clashing with what the beer I had just had. Now I'm not sure if I'd drink it again.

  13. Posting late...It's drinkable, but so are Jack Daniels wine coolers and I don't drink those. This reminds me of Jack Daniel's wine coolers and while I was a fan of those while in high school, those days are gone. Just not a fan. 5 out of 10, D.

  14. I didn't mind it and agree with Katy. Wasnt too much watermelon, but it couldn't take anymore.
