Tuesday, June 5, 2012

RJ Rocker's Son Of A Peach

An unfiltered American wheat ale made with real mean peaches. The only thing missing is the fuzz. Savor the anger. Available during the late Spring and Summer months. 
ABV: 6.0%


  1. Wow, labeling doesn't lie. If you like Peach, this one is for you. Me not like peach so much. I'll push through it and finish it, but not looking to have a second (assuming for a second that was an option). Minus

  2. I have to respectfully disagree. Yes, it has a peach taste, but I do not feel it is overwhelming. I could go for another couple of these, and the hotter the weather, the more I could drink!

  3. I have to admit in these cases, my first impression always comes from the label. I'd have to say the label is decent, while I admit the scrunched up face in the peach reminds me of Chucky...I could easily see myself drinking one or two of these before the peach taste finally turns me onto something else. The Head Brewer is an avid skier so that bumps it up a couple notches in my book. Good for a “build your own six pack” in my opinion, but that’s as far as I drink it.

  4. I like a beer with a hint of fruit, but found this way to overpowered by the peach. I like to taste the beer more than the fruit. I tossed this one half way through and probably wouldn't drink it again. We have some catching up to do on the first few beers

  5. You know I did not look at the description before I drank this beer and I see the label and think "interesting name maybe its affiliated with the Peach Bowl or that state". That would be a big NO. Then I took a big swig and literally had to spit it out. HOLY SHIT IT TASTES LIKE A FING PEACH!!!! Who in the right FING Mind makes a beer taste like Peaches?? Could not finish this beer at all. I guess if you love Peach cobbler and don't have Ice Tea around, open up this beer and it will go great. Looking forward the Passion Fruit beer and/or Apricot beer that I am sure will show up sooner or later. Beginning to hate these Summer beers b/c they seem to all SUCK.

    Rating: - 57 (I never thought I would go negative numbers on a beer but then again I never thought the a beer would taste like a peach either)

  6. SOND OF A PEACH!! I not that big a fan of peaches so I was a little skeptical about this beer from the beginning. My pre-judgment of this beer was correct and I think it was the worst beer so far. I did enjoy the face on the label but I have a feeling it was taken of the first customer who purchased this beer and felt ripped off. 1 out of 10 and I will probably do my best to avoid this beer in the future.

  7. If this beer was a professional sports league, it would be the WNBA. Like the WNBA, peach beer is just a bad idea and wrong on so many levels.

  8. Jesus. I'm all for drinking summer beers with a hint, I repeat HINT, of fruit, but how about if we pass on blatant fruit beers in the future. This tastes like watered down, super-carbonated, peach juice. Ro took one sip and made a horrendous gasping sound and bailed. I'm going to try and finish this one as a personal challenge. It's sort of like trying to run a marathon. It's painful and not everyone can do it, but later in life I'll probably look back fondly on this and list it as one of my proudest accomplishments. Which probably says a lot about my list of accomplishments. Ro has just informed me that the lingering peach flavor has ruined the replacement beer she opened. And the Nats just blew their lead. I blame the peach beer.

  9. I love the name and the label on this beer, but not the taste! After a sip, my face looked like the peach's face on the label. It's not so horrible that I can't finish it - proving my loyalty to the group. It actually tastes a little better once I got about half way through. Definitely would not drink again.

  10. I didn't hate this as much as I thought I would. I hate fruity beers, but I love peaches (easily the best fruit), so I'm in a quandary. That said, I'm certain I'll never drink one again.

    Not a roaring start to the 24 beers of summer.

  11. To me this doesn't taste that much like a beer. But that doesn't make it terrible. I don't mind drinking it though. But it is probably too sweet to have more than one. I would not buy it again, but am not sad to have tried it.

  12. Oh my god the last ounce is terrible. It's like I'm chewing on a peach skin. I think I've hit the wall. I'm light-headed, hallucinating, and my nipples are bleeding.

  13. I am pleased to announce that the Mission Accomplished banner has been hung in my living room. I'm going to go vomit.

    1. You are a committed beer drinker bill. I am staring at the 1/3rd of a mug this peach concoction and just not sure if I will be able to finish - even alternating with a Sam chaser. It is just that bad.

  14. Wretched. Horrific. Atrocious. Hideous. Repulsive. Despicable....

    I could go on and on about how bad this beer is. The peachy odor is annoying but tolerable, while the pop of peach at the front is just annoying. However, it is the the aftertaste that takes this beer from bad to unspeakably bad. I am gargling with Sam Adams, but cannot get the rotting peach fuzz off my tongue.

  15. i liked this one. its so far away from beer that its more like peach flavored adult drink. i would not buy this but i am glad to have tried it

  16. This beer FUCKING SUCKED ASS. Yes, I am not a fan of peaches. I took one sip and gave it to Amy. She actually likes it. I am going to chalk it up to her just starting to drink after nine months and her drinking palate is taking its time getting back to normal.

  17. What the F was that. Who ever came up with the idea of a peach beer should be fired.

  18. C+, very nice color and haze, nice smell, overboard on (artificial) peach flavoring but it caught me the right way (I have a soft spot for a few other flavored beers). Some complained of "aspirin" butter aftertaste which was not present in my bottle luckily. Peach flavoring lingered way too long which lowered its score. Agree that its more of a "carbonated peach drink" vs true beer. Looking forward to Dubs Troubs tonight!

  19. So I kind of liked the hazy look. I loved the smell. I like peach stuff. But the taste was baaaaad. The first 500ms were okay, peachy. Then I got a taste of miller light mixed with club soda and then aspirin taste for about 30 seconds. D-. The only thing keeping this from an F was it smelled nice, and maybe it would make a good marinade.

  20. This is not for me. Very bad in my opinion. I would have to be forced to drink this and since I'm not, it's getting poured out. I drank about half of it and it did not get better. 1 out of 10, F.
