Friday, June 22, 2012

Founder's Dry Hopped Pale Ale

A testament to Cascade hops in a bottle, this medium-bodied pale ale has a refreshing citrus flavor and a distinctive floral hop aroma due to the aggressive addition of hops during fermentation. You'll notice a slight malty sweetness with a balanced hop finish. Perfect to enjoy anytime, anywhere.
5.4% ABV  
35 IBUs


  1. Started off better than it finished. For some reason as the beer got warmer so did the bitterness. It was light enough to drink a couple however I could not get over the bitter aftertaste. Not a fan

    Rating: 6.5

  2. I like my hops and some bitterness in my beers, so the name at least got me excited. However, I never really got a handle on this one. It was pleasant enough, but seems to focus on floral aroma and the subtle hoppiness, but lacked any distinctive flavor at all in between. Of course, I am also fighting a summer cold, so my taste buds are probably not the greatest now. I'd probably be up for having another sometime to see how I feel about it then.

  3. no mistaking this as a pale ale, which I normally don't like and this did nothing to change my mind. I didn't taste much citrus in this beer nor any floral aroma due to the bitter aftertaste. I finished it, but will not be seeking any more. 4 out of 10.

  4. This is Ro and my favorite beer. I love pale ales (take that you freedom haters) and Cascade hops are my favorite (I've been known to eat them straight out of the bag). I thought the floral hints or whatever you want to call it were subtle and made it taste like a summer Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. Which I could really get into. So I'll go ahead and take the 19 that are not drunk yet based on the lack of comments.

  5. This falls into the category of running out of ways to describe beer. Wasn't a favorite. Next.

  6. I like pale ales and liked this beer too. Katy took one sip and said no thanks, which means two for Tony. I had them both pretty quick and enjoy both. 8 out of 10, B

  7. Loved it. Crushed it out in the garden on a hot afternoon. You cant have too many of these on a hot day but a great way to start any afternoon of drinking
