Friday, June 8, 2012

DC Brau's The Corruption IPA


The Corruption IPA is DC Brau's take on a Pacific Northwest IPA.

Brewed with Pale 2 row, C-10, Honey and Victory malts. Exclusively hopped with 40 lbs of Columbus hops per brew to ring in at 80 IBU.

"The Corruption" comes in at 6.5% ABV. This beer straddle's the line between IPA and Imperial IPA and has a supportive malty backbone with an assertive hop presence that smacks your mouth with a dank, resinous bitterness followed by pleasant aroma's of pine sap and burnt spruce.
Can Factoids:
  • 2012: "In 1824, Speaker of the House Henry Clay forged a coalition that secured the White House for John Quincy Adams. In return, Adams named Clay as his secretary of state in what became known as 'The Corrupt Bargain'."


  1. Excited to try this beer tonight because of the hype that's been on the blog about it.

    Side note on Son of a Peach, while it's a real shitty beer and 99% of people on this blog hated it, I have found an alternate use for it. I was a few days behind on Son of a Peach and decided to try it last night. I got about half way through it and was going to pour it out. About the same time Katy started her new wifey duties of making me dinner she realized the kitchen sink was clogged and backed up. 5 hours later the sink is still clogged I resigned to calling a plumber in the morning and left a 1/2 a glass of Son of a Peach sitting on the kitchen table. This morning as I went down stairs to decide if I was going to try my luck with this clog or just call a plumber, my mood was lighted as the entire kitchen smells of lovely peach. So if you don't drink it, just leave a few half glass of this shitty beer laying around to freshen up the room.

    1. Dude that was funny! Maybe you try on the clogged drain! It might unclog it and give a nice smell of Peach.

    2. Yup, I fully expected Son of a Peach to clear out that clog in a jiffy. Sure cleared out my clog.

  2. Wow the smell was awesome!!! It smelled like burnt something and then a faint honey suckle (some kind of sweet smell). It also be due to the fact I am on my back deck in the woods near pine tree's and honey suckle! Anyway it was very malty which I liked but too bitter for me to purchase them. If not for the bitter after taste I would love this beer! Very close to being in the 8's for me. I really enjoyed this on my Friday as the sun is going down hanging on the deck.

    Rating: 7.7

  3. I fully admit, I drink this beer on a regular basis. Makes me feel better about the guilt I feel for moving to Maryland and the DC Brau Pale Ale has a strange aftertaste so I go with this one. Ro rejected it due to exceptional hoppiness. It is hoppy but I like that. Pacific Northwest style brewed in DC. Makes me feel all doubly homesick. Stupid Maryland.

    Word of warning, six of these will get you pretty drunk. Not that I know anything about that, it's just what someone told me happened to one of their friend's girlfriend's friend.

    1. Embrace your inner Marylander, Bill. Embrace the four colored flag! Embrace the plethora of good beer, like Heavy Seas, DuClaw, Flying Dog, etc. Embrace it!

    2. This beer is timely given the state of DC politics. Our second ever can in the '24 dyas of beer'. Boddingtons was the first last December. I liked it, but it was Friday and I probably would have been just as happy with a 40 ounce Peach beer

  4. I liked this one. A little bitter aftertaste, but I'm OK with that. LOVED the aroma. I wouldn't have a bunch of these, but I could see having a couple to start off a night. An 8 out of 10, solid B

  5. I've had Corruption before, and I will have it again. I love a good hoppy beer, and this is a good one. I wish I had another in front of me right now. Maybe two.

    The corruption factoid on the can is a nice touch. I look forward to a Kwame Brown/Harry Thomas/Vincent Grey factoid.

  6. A very strong beer! It really does hit you with the first sip. Cassandra made the same face that was on the peach beer label after her first sip and I knew I was in for 2 beers. I liked this beer and could have a few of these but I think a sixer would do me in for the night. 8 out of 10

  7. Ugh, couldn't drink...Tony had two.

  8. Tony's story about the peach beer I give a 10. The Corruption IPA, I give a 2. Too bitter.

  9. I recenty added the "the public" pale to my draft line up so I drink it often. The "corruption" has much more character and covers up the fact that these beers are made with "DC's Finest" still water and gives your mouth something else to keep it entertained. I'd drink a pint of this at the bar after work a few nights a week.

  10. Nice IPA. And being a local find is cool too. A-.
