Monday, June 4, 2012

Goose Island's Summertime

Brewer's Notes:
The color of sunshine, with a light fruity aroma and a hint of fruity acidity, Goose Island Summertime is the perfect summer session ale. A Kölsch beer brewed in the traditional German fashion, you’ll find yourself enjoying and savoring each sip of summertime as much as you do those hot summer days and cool summer nights.

Recipe Information:
Style: German Style Kölsch
Alcohol by Volume: 4.7%
International Bitterness Units: 20
Color: Sunshine
Hops: Mt. Hood, Saaz
Malt: 2 Row, Wheat

Serving Suggestions:
Preferred Glass: Stange
Food Pairings: Salads, Fish
Cheese Pairings: Buffalo Mozzarella
Cellaring Notes: Enjoy within 180 days

Seasonal (March-August)
Bottles: 6, 12 & 24pks
Draft: 1/6 & 1/2bbl

Great American Beer Festival Recognition:
Judging Category: Golden or Blonde Ale
2002: Gold Medal

World Beer Championships Recognition:
Judging Category: Kolsch
2011: Silver Medal


  1. Girlfriend approved goose island...I like it too. Not a favorite by any means but I'd pick up a 12 pack if I saw it at the store while shopping for a BBQ. True kolsh style and a well made beer.

  2. Yea, finally one that I liked! This was smooth, a mild taste and yet bold. Nothing like any of the light beers before this one. I could drink another.

    Rating: 6.5

  3. Best beer so far. I like this one. It has a good taste and I definitely want another. I'll give it an 8 out of 10, solid B.

  4. This has a great taste, I really like it. It's light and smooth and I would like to have another. Instead, I'll have a Miller Lite (bottle, no glass) while I watch the Bachelorette. Classy.

  5. Good beer for the pleasant summer days. Ro and I both liked it. She better than me. A tad fruity for me but I wouldn't turn one down. Of course, that's a pretty poor criteria since it includes 98% of all beers that aren't smoked German beers.

  6. this one is just okay for me. still looking for one that i love. my problem is that my love for really dark beers like stouts and porters is really hindering my ability to appreciate anything that is not one of those two styles. however, do not get wrong, i would drink any of these beers if either forced to or porters or stouts or miller lites were not available.

  7. I was little nauseous seeing it described as "the color of sunshine," but I got over it and enjoyed a really nice beer. If you are going to do a summer beer, this is how you do it: Crisp and smooth, good flavor without trying to do too much. I am not yet wowed, but this would be a good one to stock the cooler with and spend the day sitting on the deck.

  8. Not a fan of this beer.

  9. I dunno. Kind of boring. Don't get me wrong I could easily drink it all day but still, a little boring. Only 4 days until Corruption time.

  10. This was a pretty good beer. Kind of light, but it seems to be the theme with summer beers. I can see myself drinking a few of these out by the pool. 8 out of 10

  11. Pretty citrus-y but I liked it. Crisp and light. I feel like we should have mixed up some of these similar beers, but it's all good.

  12. I am really loving this beer. I agree that it is the best so far. I drank it with a bowl of cereal and a piece of chocolate, which I really felt brought out the hint of fruity acidity. I would buy a six pack of this and not want to share with Dave.

  13. Best so far, really wish I had more of them right now. Looking forward to the next goose island beer.

  14. Goose Island: Winner!

  15. I definitely liked it. However, there was nothing special about it. I would drink it if it was around but would not go out of my way to find it.

  16. B+, very light and fun. I thinks it is impressive to be as "barely there" as this beer is. (in a good way). I want to get out of this month a "go to" set of summer beers (I forget every winter which I dislike, and summer labels are very alluring) and this one makes that list. Glad Goose Island is being distributed in Springfield area now.

  17. Light in appearance and in smell. Taste was pleasant, but just not much flavor. I could definitely see myself pounding one of these after mowing the lawn on a day in July. For a session, it would probably make a good beer for later in the night. B-.

  18. Big fan. Went down smooth and easy on a hot day.
